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show your opinion about the growing proportion rate of old people. (교정 : 2)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : English
구사언어 : English()
학습언어 : ()
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Decrease in youth population has been the significant problem these days.
there's even a prediction that the number of lder people will be larger than the younger ones. I think it is a serious problem to societies in many countries.

If the rate of old population exceeds the rate of younger ones, First of all It will be hard to maintain the economy of countries, Since it will be impossible for lots of companies to accomodate young people to work for their companies. And even if companies hire old people, there must be a limit for old people, which could actually cause mamage on not only the company but also the entire economy of a country.

Second, the increase of old people basically means the decreasement of population which is a vital situation for countries to maintain their nations. if the population of old people keep going beyond the proportion of younger ones, there will be no children. and at the end it will actually lead to country's distinction.

In conclusion, I think there must be some metholds to prevent this situation from happening. the government should encourage people to give birth to babies by making a policy of giving them benefits . And also the government should take a role of announcing and informing citizens about the danger of the decrease of population of youth. By practicing these that i mentiond, they will be able to get ready for this social risk.

날짜 : 2016-04-07 02:08:17 | 교정 : 2 | 조회 : 4,331
사용된 언어 : English
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[ 교정 ]
국적 : Philippines
모국어 : English
구사언어 :
학습언어 :
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Decrease in youth population is a significant problem these days.
A prediction was even presented that the number of older people will tend to be larger than the younger ones. I think it is a common serious problem to societies in many countries.

If the rate of old population exceeds the rate of younger ones, maintenance of the economies will be foremost affected. Unemployment for young people in several companies will be an offshoot. Regardless of the hiring of old people, companies must ensure a certain limit as to the level of employment for the oldies as it does not only pose damage to the company, but to the country as a whole.

Second, the increase of old people basically reflect the decrease of population which is a vital factor for countries to maintain their nations. if the population of old people keep going beyond the proportion of younger ones, scarcity of children will result, and later on, might lead to a country's extinction.

To conclude, methods must be formulated as a prevention to this trend. Child bearing must be encouraged by the government coupled with an ample amount of benefits to the family. There should be proper information dissemination by the government to the cities and nearby provinces as to the danger of the observed decrease in the youth population. Practice of the suggested methods, ensures preparedness for the associated social risks.
날짜 : 2016-07-12 01:40:09
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 교정 ]
국적 : Philippines
모국어 : Filipino (Tagalog)
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Decrease in youth population has been the significant problem these days.
There's even a prediction that the number of Oder people will be larger than the younger ones. I think it is a serious problem to societies in many countries.

If the rate of old population exceeds the rate of younger ones, it will be hard to maintain the economy of countries. It will be impossible for lots of companies to accommodate young people to work for their companies. And even if companies hire old people, there must be a limit for old people, which could actually cause damage on not only the company, but also the entire economy of a country.

Second, the increase of old people basically means the decrease of population which is a vital situation for countries to maintain their nations. If the population of old people keep going beyond the proportion of younger ones, there will be no children, and in the end it will actually lead to country's distinction.

Therefore, there must be some metho ds to prevent this situation from happening. The government should encourage people to give birth to babies by making a policy of giving them benefits . The government should take a role of announcing and informing citizens about the danger of the decrease of population of youth. By practicing the statement mentioned, they will be able to get ready for this social risk.
날짜 : 2016-09-18 10:02:52
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가