각 언어별 작문을 하고 교정을 받으세요.작문하기
Hi !! (교정 : 3)
- I found the good website which can corrects my writing for free by native teachers.
If people can't afford to take a course or need a tutoring, this can't be better than anything.
Actually i am taking a class in french but the more my french gets better, the more i am getting confused of english.
The main reason is that english and french have some similar words with different pronounciations.
I am also not perfect with english as well.
I am just between in two languages .
How to keep learning both languages at the same time ?
It will be the big agenda of this year.
But i believe this website help me out to progress little by little.
I will bring some different subjects for sharing with you next time !
날짜 : 2014-11-05 11:01:08 | 교정 : 3 | 조회 : 5,899
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :
[ 교정 ]
국적 : United States
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Chinese (Mandarin)(초급)
학습언어 : Korean(중급), Indonesian(중급), Sign Languages(초급)
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Chinese (Mandarin)(초급)
학습언어 : Korean(중급), Indonesian(중급), Sign Languages(초급)
- Hi SmileAngel, here are the corrections I found, but you did great ! :)
I found this great website that will correct my writing for free, by native teachers.
I'm actually taking a class in french, but as my french gets better, I become more confused with English .
The main reason I get confused, is because both English and French have similar words, but different pronunciations.
I'm also not fluent in English, I am trying to learn both languages.
How do you continue learning two languages at one time?
Learning both languages will be my goal this year.
But I believe this website will help me to progress little by little.
I will bring different subjects to share with you next time!
Thanks SmileAngel, keep up the great work!
날짜 : 2014-12-08 14:03:31
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가
[ 교정 ]
- Hi Smileangel,
Here are the corrections I found for you.
I found ca good website which can correct my writing for free by native teachers.
If people can't afford to take a course or need a tutoring, this can't be better than anything.
Actually i am taking a class in french but the more my french gets better, the more i am getting confused of English.
The main reason is that English and french have some similar words with different pronunciations.
I am also not perfect with English.
I am just between in two languages .
How to keep learning both languages at the same time ?
It will be the big agenda of this year.
But i believe this website help me out to progress little by little.
I will bring some different subjects for sharing with you next time !
Keep up the good work SmileAngel :) -
날짜 : 2015-04-01 16:50:50
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가
[ 교정 ]
국적 : Argentina
모국어 : Spanish
구사언어 : English(모국어)
학습언어 : Portuguese(고급), Italian(중급), Korean(중급)
모국어 : Spanish
구사언어 : English(모국어)
학습언어 : Portuguese(고급), Italian(중급), Korean(중급)
- 하이!
I found a good website where I can get my writing corrected by native teachers for free.
This is a good option for people who can't afford to take a course or take private lessons. It's better than nothing.
Actually I'm currently learning French, but the more I learn french, the more I get confused with English.
The main reason I get confused is because English and French both have similar words but with different pronunciations.
I am also not very good at speaking English.
I am trying to learn both languages (들다 배우고싶어요) 아니면 I am a beginner in both languages (들다 저금만할수있어요)
How can I continue to learn both languages at the same time?
It will be my goal for this year.
I believe this website will help me progress little by little
I will bring different subjects to share with you next time!
수거하새요! -
날짜 : 2015-04-20 21:54:44
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가