각 언어별 작문을 하고 교정을 받으세요.작문하기
plz fix my wrong words. (교정 : 1)
- my wife is very kind and generous.
last night, when I slept, I had a bad dream.
so I screamed a lot.
she was surprised at my screaming. she is pregnant.
she shouldn't be surprised for her baby.
I felt ashamed about that.
at lunch time, I called her.
but she said that are you ok? are you tired.
how kind~!
she worried about my condition and fatigue.
I am grateful to my wife to worrying about me.
날짜 : 2013-11-28 14:33:02 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 6,315
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :
- My wife is very kind and generous.
Last night, while I was sleeping, I had a bad dream. I screamed and made her startled. Since she's pregnant, I was worried. I felt ashamed. During lunch, I called her. Instead of me asking her if she's ok, She was the one to ask my condition. I am grateful to have a concerned wife. - 날짜 : 2017-03-14 22:46:36
[ 교정 ]
- Hi Jason. What you wrote is very sweet. I only have a few corrections:
My wife is very kind and generous.
Last night, while I was sleeping I had a bad dream and I screamed out loud.
My wife is pregnant and when I screamed I startled her.
It's not good for her to be startled because of the baby.
I felt ashamed about it so at lunch time I called her.
When she answered she asked me, "Are you ok? Are you tired?"
How kind of her!~!
She was worried about my condition and fatigue.
I am grateful to my wife for caring about me.
(Your wife sounds really nice. I changed a few words to enhance the meaning of what you wanted to say. I hope this helps) -
날짜 : 2014-06-26 12:21:19
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