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Dr. Frasier Crane is a psychiatrist and reknowned radio personality (교정 : 1)
- Dr. Frasier Crane is a psychiatrist and reknowned radio personality. He gives listeners some advice based on psychology in his show. He has a brother, Niles Crane, who is a psychiatrist. His father, Martin Crane was a policeman and retired from the gun shot in his hip by the robbers at a convenience store.
Recently Frasier got the news that his father slipped on the bathroom floor and got hurt in his hip again. Frasier, discussing with Niles, decided to take his father in to his home. However, because not only have they never been simpatico for a long time but his father was depressed by the unfortunately succeeding injuries, they became got on each other's throat left and right. Furthermore, Frasier blamed his father on his state of affairs not working out the way he planed.
날짜 : 2013-09-05 17:17:02 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 6,423
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :
[ 교정 ]
- Dr. Frasier Crane is a psychiatrist and reknowned radio personality. He gives listeners some advice based on psychology in his show. He has a brother, Niles Crane, who is (also) a psychiatrist. His father, Martin Crane was a policeman and retired (due to the gunshot he sustained in his hip,when he had an encounter with robbers at a convenience store).
Recently Frasier (got news) that his father slipped on the bathroom floor and got hurt in his hip again. Frasier, discussing (this) with Niles, decided to take his father in to his home. However,not only have they never been simpatico for a long time, but also they are at each other's throat left and right.In addition,his father was depressed by the unfortunate succeeding injuries. Furthermore, Frasier blamed his father on his state of affairs not working out the way he planned.
at each other's throats
get word=Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
correlative conjuctions:
Not Only… But Also -
날짜 : 2013-09-07 13:44:51
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