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HelpMe! What does this sentence mean? (답변 : 7)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(초급)
학습언어 : English(초보)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
There is this question in textbook, santillana spotlight.
Is a baskekball more like a microscope or a soccerball? Why?

Does it mean that . .
"Do you like a baskekball more than a microscope or a soccerball? And
Tell the reason"

Am I right?

Please help me!

날짜 : 2013-02-21 15:59:06 | 답변 : 7 | 조회 : 4,998
카테고리 : 언어 | 공부할 언어 : English | 사용된 언어 : English
태그 :
  • Kaye
  • Hi Amy! the question in the textbook is asking you to compare which one is more likely basketball. It is not asking if you like it. I hope my answer helped you.
  • 날짜 : 2017-03-14 22:38:30

  • LIAM
  • It means It is asking you if basketball is like a microscope or soccerball. If you chose microscope explain why. if you chose soccerball explain why.
  • 날짜 : 2022-03-14 13:50:52

[ 답변 ]
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 : French(왕초보)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Is a baskekball more like a microscope or a soccer? 여기에서 soccer ball 을 말하는 것이겠죠?
Is A more like B? 라는 말은 A가 B와 비슷하나요? 라는 뜻입니다. 그러므로
Do you like A more than B? 는 B보다 A를 더 좋아하세요? 라는 말로 완전히 다른 뜻이랍니다.
도움이 되시길 바랄께요.
날짜 : 2013-02-22 07:06:37
댓글수 : 3 댓글추가
  • Amy1
  • 감사합니다! 다시보니 scoccerball 이 맞네요 그러면 농구공이 현미경 또는 축구공과 비슷 한가요? 라는 질문인데 무슨 의미인지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 사립초등교재안에 있는 질문인데 뭘 묻고자함인지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ
  • 날짜 : 2013-02-22 07:36:58

  • Elena
  • basketball 이 microscope와 더 비슷한가요? 아니면 soccer ball과 더 비슷한가요? 라는 질문이므로 soccer ball이 답이 되겠죠?
  • 날짜 : 2013-02-22 10:53:26

  • Amy1
  • 정말 감사합니다!! 큰 도움되었어요 미드관련검색중 님블로그 글 읽다가 이곳 알게되었어요 이렇게 바로 답달아 주시니 정말 감사해요!
  • 날짜 : 2013-02-22 11:31:08

[ 답변 ]
국적 : United States
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Spanish(모국어)
학습언어 : French(초보)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
The question asks you to identify what is "LIKE" a basketball; a microscope or a soccerball..

A simile is an analogy that compares two things that are alike in one way. They always use the word "like" or "as"...
hope this helps
날짜 : 2013-04-19 11:48:28
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 답변 ]
국적 : Philippines
모국어 : Filipino (Tagalog)
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 : Korean(왕초보)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Is a baskekball more like a microscope or a soccerball? Why?

As for me, it means that ..
Does the basketball looks like a microscope or a soccer ball? It looks like a soccer ball because they looks like the same size and shape.

날짜 : 2014-01-24 00:24:15
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 답변 ]
국적 : United States
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Spanish(최고급), Italian(중급), Indonesian(초급)
학습언어 : Sign Languages(중급)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Typically if they are asking questions like this they are trying to get you to see the similarities between two different things. So they most likely want you to think about which is more like a basketball: a microscope or a soccer ball? A microscope is a tool usually used for science, and a soccer ball is used for sports like a basketball. So which of the three (basketball, soccer, microscope) are the same and why. Hope this helped!
날짜 : 2014-02-01 06:47:57
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 답변 ]
국적 : United States
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Spanish(중급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
A basketball and soccer ball are both used in team sports. Thus these two are more alike. A microscope is used to study things that are not normally visible to our normal eyesight. So, it is not very similar to a basketball and has very little commonality to a basketball.
날짜 : 2020-01-31 08:00:48
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 답변 ]
국적 : Germany
모국어 : German
구사언어 : English(모국어), Hindi(최고급)
학습언어 : Spanish(초급)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
the question is asking which of these things are more similar. Is the basketball more similar to a microscope or is it more similar to a soccerball?
And the next question is about the reason. Why do you think it is like this.
날짜 : 2020-07-01 17:48:20
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가

[ 답변 ]
국적 : Philippines
모국어 : Filipino (Tagalog)
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Hi there!
The question is trying to compare basketball to a microscope or Soccer ball, and it is not asking you if you like one more than the other.

if you are going to answer, select which one looks like a basketball (is it the microscope? or the soccer ball?) and explain why.

Hope this helps you Amy!
날짜 : 2022-06-22 19:32:17
댓글수 : 0 댓글추가