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Editing Checklist
국적 : Ecuador
모국어 : Spanish
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
When I have to write an essay or an article this editing checklist has been useful for me
1. Is the first letter of each question capitalized?
2. Are proper nouns capitalized?
3. Is there a period (.) or exclamation mark (!) at the end of each sentence?
4. Is there a question mark (?) at the end of each question?
5. Is the vocabulary correct?
6. Is the spelling correct?
7. Do sentences and questions have the correct word order?
8. Are the verbs and their tenses correct?
9. Are sequence words such as first, next, or after that used if needed?
10. Are the paragraphs clear and easy -to-understand?

다운로드 : 20151105094216.jpg
날짜 : 2015-11-05 09:42:16 | 댓글 : 0 | 조회 : 2,079
공부할 언어 : English | 사용된 언어 : English | 영역 : 작문 | 레벨 : 중급
태그 : Example of editing and checking