
다른 회원의 콘텐츠를 무료로 다운로드 받으세요.
컨텐츠를 업로드, 공유해 보세요.컨텐츠 등록하기
Greetings Role Play
국적 : United States
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Sign Languages(중급), Spanish(모국어)
학습언어 : Italian(왕초보), French(선택안함)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Learn a simple form to meet someone by using role play. The focus here is to practice speaking the language. This works better in partners. One person will say the man's words and the other person will say the woman's words. Try acting them out! It will be fun if you try acting them out. Think about how a man's voice is usually deeper and loud while a woman's voice would be higher and softer; try to match them. After reading and acting out loud, switch roles. The person saying the man's words will now say the woman's words and the person saying the woman's words will now say the man's words. Acting them out enthusiastically will be fun and it is also a great way to practice speaking and perfecting these common English phrases.

다운로드 : 20140919073522.jpg
날짜 : 2014-09-19 07:35:23 | 댓글 : 0 | 조회 : 2,454
공부할 언어 : English | 사용된 언어 : English | 영역 : 말하기 | 레벨 : 초보
태그 : picture drawing speaking roles acting interactive