작문과 교정

다른 회원이 쓴 작문을 교정해 주세요! 교정하시려면 작문 내용을 클릭하세요.
각 언어별 작문을 하고 교정을 받으세요.작문하기
Writing in French (교정 : 1)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(고급)
학습언어 : French(초보)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Je suis devenue une grande fan ? vous apr?s avoir vu votre concert d'apr?s-midi au 3 f?vrier.
Votre concert ?tait tr?s lyrique et vous ?tiez vraiment fantastique.
Sans doute, c'?tait le meilleur concert que j'ai jamais vu!
날짜 : 2011-12-20 10:42:15 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 5,456
사용된 언어 : French
태그 :

[ 교정 ]
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(최고급), Korean(모국어), Japanese(중급), French(중급)
학습언어 : French(초급)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
My French is not that great to correct your sentences, so I showed this to my French tutor. She told me these sentences are pretty good. There was not much to correct. The 2nd and 3rd sentences are good and the first one she corrected was as follows;

Je suis devenue une grande fan apr?s avoir vu votre concert le 3 f?vrier.
날짜 : 2011-12-26 07:20:57
댓글수 : 1 댓글추가
  • mica
  • I saw your message just now. Thank you so much!
  • 날짜 : 2012-01-11 00:52:02