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Adoption (교정 : 1)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(초급)
학습언어 : English(고급), Japanese(중급)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Today age of mothers becomes more younger than before.
Unfortunately, sometimes middle school or high school student become mother.
Those who become mother early can't welcome their society.
They have no money and job at worst they don't know their babies father.
This problem is something many teenage single mothers deal with.

Finally most of them decide adoption and a poor baby is adopted into a korean family or families overseas.
Almost of them bring up their baby with love but some terrible parents mistreat them.

For example in korea, A pharmacist mistreats her three adopted cildren by various means.
The Shocking thing is she said "It is just to mistreating them because they are problem parent's children!"
It's perfectly horrible.

I think adoption must be enacted by people who really want child and be able to bring them devotedly.
Absolutely adoption is good for our society but it is important to figuring out whether preparation parents fit to be a parents.

I wish many problem of adoption in korea will be improved and adoption law will be strengthen.
날짜 : 2012-06-07 15:32:11 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 4,736
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :

[ 교정 ]
국적 : Canada
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Korean(중급), French(중급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Hi Sara, interesting topic! Here are my corrections:

Today the average age of new mothers has become younger than before.
Unfortunately, sometimes middle school or high school students become mothers.
Those who become mothers early can't {not sure exactly what you meant here}.
They have no money or job, and at worst they don't know who their baby's father is.
This problem is something many teenage single mothers deal with.

Most of them end up deciding to give the baby up for adoption and the poor baby is adopted into a korean family or families overseas.
Almost all of them bring up their baby with love, but some terrible parents mistreat them.

For example in Korea, a pharmacist mistreated her three adopted children in various ways.
The shocking thing is she said "I just mistreated them because they are the children of a problem parent!"
It's perfectly horrible.

I think adoption must be done only by people who really want a child and who are able to bring them up with devotion.
Adoption is absolutely good for our society but it is important to figure out whether the potential parents are fit to be parents.

I hope the many problems of adoption in Korea will be improved and the adoption law strengthened.
날짜 : 2012-06-11 12:37:49
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