작문과 교정

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Do you like a music? (교정 : 1)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(초급)
학습언어 : English(고급), Japanese(중급)
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Do you like a music? I like music very much.
In the world there are so many kind of music like jazz, hip-hop, classic, rock etc...
My most favorite music genre is old pop for example carol kidd's song its name is "when I dream".
Do you know that song? It has so calm melody and beautiful lilycs. I love "My heart will go on" too!
I always feel my heart flutting with impression when I listen this song..

I think the musics of movie are so nice.
After I watched th movie I searching songs that the movie's OST. OST is so big part of the movie.
If movie hasn't any songs It can't move our hearts.

I also like singing! In Korea 'karaoke'is very common place.
I know karaoke is famous place for foreigner.
My american friend loves karaoke so much and she never put her microphone when she went karaoke. haha~!

I was a terrible girl for singing but I went karaoke with my friends many times then now, my singing skill is improved so high!
I won the singing contest when I was a university student. :-)

sometimes I am so sad or feel gloomy I listen to gloomy music intentionally and I cry alone. If I do so I feel relieved.
(I'm not a melancholiac!! hahaha~)
If you gloomy now, I recommend to you just listen to the calmful music then you will be better. ^^*

Have a awesome dream and thank for read my writing everyone!!
날짜 : 2012-05-29 23:07:37 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 5,680
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :

[ 교정 ]
국적 : Canada
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Korean(중급), French(중급)
학습언어 :
상세보기 쪽지보내기
Hi DaHye! Here are my corrections:

Do you like music? I like music very much.
In the world there are so many kinds of music like jazz, hip-hop, classic, rock etc...
My favorite music genre is old pop, for example Carol Kidd's song "When I Dream".
Do you know that song? It has such a calm melody and beautiful lilycs. I love "My Heart Will Go On" too!
I always feel my heart fluttering with emotion when I listen to this song.

I think the soundtracks of movies are so nice.
After I watch a movie I search for songs from the movie's soundtrack. The soundtrack is such a big part of the movie.
If a movie doesn't have any songs It can't move our hearts.

I also like singing! In Korea 'karaoke'is very common.
I know karaoke a is famous place for foreigners.
My American friend loves karaoke so much and she never puts her microphone down when she goes. haha~!

I was a terrible singer, but then I went to karaoke with my friends many times and now my singing skill has improved so much!
I won a singing contest when I was a university student. :-)

Sometimes when I am so sad or feel gloomy I listen to gloomy music intentionally and I cry alone. If I do so I feel relieved.
(I'm not a melancholiac!! hahaha~)
If you feel gloomy now, I recommend you to just listen to calm music then you will feel better. ^^*

Have an awesome dream and thanks for reading my writing everyone!!

I think the key correction this time is "such + noun". When you want to make something stronger (similar meaning to "very") you can use this, but you cannot use "so + noun". "So" should be followed by an adjective only, without any noun after it. For example, you can say "It is so hot", but you cannot say "It is so hot day", because "day" is a noun. Instead, you should say "It is such a hot day".

Hope this helps!
날짜 : 2012-05-31 10:58:15
댓글수 : 1 댓글추가
  • Sara
  • I really Thank you for your corrections! ^^ and orry to have bothered you. haha...
    I will study hard~! Thanx !! :-)
  • 날짜 : 2012-05-31 11:04:34