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Nightmare (교정 : 1)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : English(초급)
학습언어 : English(고급), Japanese(중급)
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When I waw a horror movie or heard a scary story I must had bad dream.
Sometimes I have a nightmare, I always heard very scary sound like a mysterious machine sound..
Some people heard a sound of baby's cring or women's voice and some people can see a ghost.
So scary and horrible.

I often can not moved my body when I had a nightmare so at that time I try and try again to move my body like following method.
First, I strain hard to move my big toe.
second, I try hard to move my tongue.
I was released from nightmare when I succeed this method.

I think the reason why we have a nightmare is that our health is not good.
When I was tired I always have a nightmare.
So recently I take exercise very hard to improve my health!

I really hate ghost and nightmare..
I am easily frightened so I sleeped with my mother even I'm adult and i went as far as to sleep grabbing my dog's paw. haha~
My friends scoff at my cowardice. :-)

I hope everybody read my writing will have only good dream!
I wish nightmare will not come to me tonight.. haha~! ^^*
날짜 : 2012-05-28 22:21:09 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 4,824
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :

[ 교정 ]
국적 : Canada
모국어 : English
구사언어 : Korean(중급), French(중급)
학습언어 :
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Hi DaHye. interesting topic! Here are my corrections:

When I watch a horror movie or hear a scary story I always have a bad dream.
Sometimes when I have a nightmare, I hear a very scary sound like a mysterious machine.
Some people hear the sound of baby's crying or women's voice and some people can see a ghost.
It's so scary and horrible.

I often cannot move my body when I have a nightmare so at that time I try and try again to move my body with the following method:
First, I strain hard to move my big toe.
Second, I try hard to move my tongue.
I am released from the nightmare when I succeed with this method.

I think the reason why we have a nightmare is that our health is not good.
When I'm tired I always have a nightmare.
So recently I exercise very hard to improve my health!

I really hate ghosts and nightmares..
I am easily frightened so I sleep with my mother even though I'm an adult and I've even gone as far as to sleep while grabbing my dog's paw. haha~
My friends scoff at my cowardice. :-)

I hope everybody who reads my writing will have only good dreams!
I hope a nightmare will not come to me tonight.. haha~! ^^*

Be careful with verb tense - when you are talking about something that happens "always", "sometimes", "usually" or "often" (not just once in the past) use the simple present tense. Only use the past tense for a specific experience that happened in the past.

Sweet dreams!
날짜 : 2012-05-29 11:54:39
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