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Summary: Visual literacy for students' learning (교정 : 1)
국적 : Korea, Republic of
모국어 : Korean
구사언어 : ()
학습언어 : English(중급)
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Usually, visuals are more attractive and effective than words because of clolors, design and so on. We are living in an age in which visuals are affluent than any other times before. Especially young generations such as children and adolesencents are apt to be favorable to visuals. So I think visual related lessons are needed because studnets can be more motivated to fucus on what they usually see in a daily life and keep concentrated on the lesson. With visuals, two important faculties have to be developed. First one is visual literacy which means an ability to analyze cisulas and find out real meaning hidden on them. Students must be able to make right judgement about numerious visulas data around themselves by critical and reasonable thinking. For that, teachers need to use visuals in their classes in a relevant way. For example, socail subject classes can use Facebook for a discussion task. Second ability is to develop a mental ability by mental visuals. Teachers can demonstrate new concepts by visual approaches including charts, graphs and video clips. These usally requires students of thinking deeply and more metal efforts. Consequently, through such qualitive ways, we can help students understand matierals gvien effectively and show what they understand.
날짜 : 2012-03-10 10:51:26 | 교정 : 1 | 조회 : 4,716
사용된 언어 : English
태그 :

[ 교정 ]
국적 : United Kingdom
모국어 : English
구사언어 :
학습언어 :
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Usually, visuals are more attractive and effective than words because of colors, design and so on. We are living in an age in which visuals are more effective than at any other time. Younger people, such as children and adolescents are apt to favor visuals, so I think visually related lessons are needed because students can be more motivated to focus on what they usually see in their daily lives and keep concentrating on the lesson.

With visuals, two important faculties have to be developed. The first one is visual literacy, which means an ability to analyze visuals and find out their real hidden meaning. Students must be able to make the right judgement about numerous visual data around themselves by critical and reasonable thinking. For that, teachers need to use visuals in their classes in a relevant way. For example, social subject classes can use Facebook for a discussion task.

The second faculty is the ability to visualise mentally. Teachers can demonstrate new concepts by taking a visual approach, using charts, graphs and video clips. These usually require students to think deeply and make more mental effort. Consequently, through such qualitative ways, we can help students understand materials effectively and allow them to demonstrate their understanding.
날짜 : 2012-03-12 17:47:15
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