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Coolest Job ever: Online Teaching
국적 : Philippines
모국어 : Filipino (Tagalog)
구사언어 : English(최고급)
학습언어 :
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Hi. My name is Acel. Im 24 years old. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication. Just like what I always say, Online Teaching was just a dream before, and now, that dream has finally become a reality.
My mother is a professional teacher and she has greatly influenced me . That's the reason why I decided to pursue teaching even though I'm a BA Communication graduate.
I think that teaching is a calling and it is for those people who are born passionate They say that learning is continuous and should be done lifetime. They say that when you stop to learn, you stop to grow as well.
When I first learned about online teaching, I thought to myself that this is one of the coolest jobs ever because of many interesting and very helpful topics that you get to discuss with your students. It is one of the coolest because you are given a chance to meet and interact with beautiful people from different places and different ages.
I can share to them the beauty of learning English. I can help them with communication, reading, speaking, vocabulary skills and many more. My discussion with my students won't just be purely about books but it will also revolve around life.
I can't wait to see them being confident whenever they'll use the language in their daily conversation. Looking forward to see my students carry that joy within themselves that sparks through their confidence because of the assurance and security that they are able to use English effectively.
날짜 : 2016-09-25 18:35:55 | 댓글 : 0 | 조회 : 2,124
공부할 언어 : English | 사용된 언어 : English | 영역 : 기타 | 레벨 : 모든레벨
태그 : On tutor