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    2024-03-13 03:06:22

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    From/Living in Bolivia/Bolivia
    Time zone (GMT-04:00) La Paz
    Language Teaches : Spanish, Korean
    Speaks(Native) : Spanish
    Speaks : English(Advanced), Portuguese(Elementary), Korean(Advanced), Japanese(Elementary), Russian(Elementary)
    Gender/Birthday Female 1987-08-08
    Member since 2021-04-09 11:40:53
    [ About me ] [온튜터심사통과] Hi! I'm Teacher Lorena and I'm from Bolivia! My major is Chemical engineering and I have also studied for a Master's degree in Higher education because I love learning and teaching. I like learning languages that is why I can understand all the struggles you may have and I want to help you to overcome all of them. From zero to hero! I can teach beginners with explanations in Korean or English, 한국말만 아셔도 OK! Moreover, I have four years of experience teaching Korean and Spanish. I have also taught English. I believe that Spanish is a language full of passion and It can be easy to learn so I would like to help you in your Spanish learning journey. :) 저는 남미의 중심에있는 볼리비아의 산타 크루스 출신입니다. 대학에서 화학공학을 전공하고 천연가스공학을 졸업했습니다. 저는 항상 가르치고 배우는 것을 좋아했기 때문에 고등교육 석사학위를 받았습니다. 저는 언어를 배우는 것과 다른 사람들과 저의 모국어와 문화를 알려 드리는 것을 좋아합니다. 저는4년 동안 한국어와 스페인어를 가르친 경험이 있습니다. 또한 영어 과외를 가르쳐 본 적이 있습니다. 저는 스페인어가 열정으로 가득찬 언어라고 생각하며 배우기 쉬울 수 있으니 여러분의 스페인어 학습여정에 도움을 드리고 싶습니다. :) 제 수업 자료는 PDF 파일, 오디오 파일, 플래시카드, 테스트 템플릿 및 예제, 이미지 파일, 그래프 및 차트, 비디오 파일, 프레젠테이션 슬라이드/PPT, 텍스트 문서, 퀴즈, 숙제, 기사와 뉴스입니다.
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    초급 스페인어 / Español Básico / Basic Spanish (A1 - A2)
    Language : Spanish
    Skills Involved : Listening, Grammar, Pronunciation
    Student's Level : Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Elementary
    30 min.(s)/lesson - USD 6.40
    Free Trial : 20 min.
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    Description : This course is for beginners who either know zero Spanish or just very basic Spanish. The lessons will have structured content, homework is prepared if wanted. And the lessons will be very thorough and make students better in Spanish step by step. Books I use in this course: Books in Spanish -Gramática Elemental A1-A2 (Elementary Grammar) -Vocabulario Elemental A1-A2 (Elementary Vocabulario) -Aula Latina / Aula Internacional (Optional) Book with instructions in English - The Big Book of Spanish Verb Drills Books with explanations in Korean -혼자 배우는 스페인어 첫걸음 -나혼자 끝내는 독학 스페인어 첫걸음 -스페인어 기초어휘 -스페인어 회화사전 Materials: -Worksheets (to practice grammar and vocabulary) -Online Whiteboard -Google doc (for homework and notes) -Quizlet (to memorize vocabulary) 이 수업은 스페인어를 전혀 모르거나 아주 기본적인 스페인어를 아는 사람들을위한 것입니다. 수업에는 구조화된 내용이 포함되며 원하시는 경우 숙제가 준비됩니다.
  • ( Lorena ) also teaches

  • Course Info Rating Schedule and Price
    DELE, SIELE, CELU와 DIE시험 대비 코스 / Preparación DELE, SIELE, CELU, DIE (Using Textbook)
    Spanish / Writing, Reading, Exam Prep. / Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
    * Certifications | Exams * You MUST have previous knowledge and enough time for preparation before the exam * You have to study and practice extra hours outside the lesson time * Past papers | Mock exams * Increase your score | Writing length and timing check * DELE |SIELE | CELU | DIE * If your exam is not listed above you need to buy the textbook and send me the ebook or PDF at least 24 hours before the lesson.
    0 course(s) 0 rating(s)
    30 min.(s)/lesson - USD 7.20
    4 week(s) X 2 lesson(s)/week -
    Total USD 57.60
    (0% Discount)
    Free Trial 15 min.
    Free trial

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    중급 스페인어 / Español Intermedio / Intermediate Spanish (B1 - B2)
    Spanish / Listening, Reading, Grammar / Intermediate
    Spanish lesson for students from B1-B2 level. This is for students who already know basic Spanish. The lessons will be conversational based, the students will create sentences from scratch and also practice pronunciation. Books I use in this course - Viva el Vocabulario B1-B2 (intermediate vocabulary) - Gramática Medio B1 - B2 (intermediate grammar) - Gramática de uso del español Material - Worksheets (to practice grammar and vocabulary) - Online Whiteboard - Quizlet (for memorizing vocabulary) - Google doc (for homework) *+:*+:*+:* B1-B2 수준의 학생들을 위한 스페인어나 이미 기본적인 스페인어를 알고있는 학생들을 위한 수업입니다. 수업은 대화식으로 진행되며 학생들은 처음부터 문장을 만들고 발음을 연습합니다. 이 코스에서 사용하는 책 - Viva el Vocabulario B1-B2 (중급 어휘) - Gramática Medio B1 - B2 (중급 문법) - Gramática de uso del español (스페인어 사용 문법)
    2 course(s) 0 rating(s)
    30 min.(s)/lesson - USD 6.40
    4 week(s) X 2 lesson(s)/week -
    Total USD 51.20
    (0% Discount)
    Free Trial 20 min.
    Free trial

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    초급 스페인어 / Español Básico / Basic Spanish (A1 - A2)
    Spanish / Listening, Grammar, Pronunciation / Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Elementary
    This course is for beginners who either know zero Spanish or just very basic Spanish. The lessons will have structured content, homework is prepared if wanted. And the lessons will be very thorough and make students better in Spanish step by step. Books I use in this course: Books in Spanish -Gramática Elemental A1-A2 (Elementary Grammar) -Vocabulario Elemental A1-A2 (Elementary Vocabulario) -Aula Latina / Aula Internacional (Optional) Book with instructions in English - The Big Book of Spanish Verb Drills Books with explanations in Korean -혼자 배우는 스페인어 첫걸음 -나혼자 끝내는 독학 스페인어 첫걸음 -스페인어 기초어휘 -스페인어 회화사전 Materials: -Worksheets (to practice grammar and vocabulary) -Online Whiteboard -Google doc (for homework and notes) -Quizlet (to memorize vocabulary) 이 수업은 스페인어를 전혀 모르거나 아주 기본적인 스페인어를 아는 사람들을위한 것입니다. 수업에는 구조화된 내용이 포함되며 원하시는 경우 숙제가 준비됩니다.
    29 course(s) 1 rating(s)
    30 min.(s)/lesson - USD 6.40
    4 week(s) X 2 lesson(s)/week -
    Total USD 51.20
    (0% Discount)
    Free Trial 20 min.
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    Korean for beginners and intermediate learners.
    Korean / Listening, Reading, Grammar / Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate
    You can expect Personalized class according to your purpose(travel, exam, etc.); Homework assignments, Workbook; Learn Korean culture through movies/dramas/webtoons. 1. Korean for Beginner Learners - Korean Alphabet - Self-introduction/General Conversation - Supplementary Grammar and Vocabulary - Develop the habit of speaking and build your confidence 2. Korean for Intermediate Learners - Necessary expressions in various social situations - Speak with Confidence - Learn effective Self-Study Technics The classes can be conducted in English, Spanish, or Korean.
    0 course(s) 0 rating(s)
    30 min.(s)/lesson - USD 10.00
    4 week(s) X 2 lesson(s)/week -
    Total USD 80.00
    (0% Discount)
    Free Trial 15 min.
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    스페인어 회화 / Español Conversacional / Conversational Spanish (C1 - C2)
    Spanish / Speaking, Listening, Pronunciation / Intermediate, Advanced
    I can adapt the class to your needs, I will give some options but there can be more: - Spanish lesson for beginners learners - Spanish lesson for intermediate learners - Spanish lesson for advanced learners - Spanish lesson for DELE - Conversational Spanish lesson - Spanish lesson for kids - Spanish lesson for travel - Spanish lesson for business - Spanish lesson for engineer students - Spanish lesson for religious purposes - Spanish lesson for ... you name it :)
    44 course(s) 2 rating(s)
    60 min.(s)/lesson - USD 12.80
    4 week(s) X 1 lesson(s)/week -
    Total USD 51.20
    (0% Discount)
    Free Trial 20 min.
    Free trial

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