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  • Last online :
    2019-01-14 11:07:12

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    From/Living in United States/Mexico
    Time zone (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco
    Language Studying : Chinese (Mandarin)(Beginner), French(Beginner), Portuguese(Beginner)
    Speaks(Native) : English
    Speaks : Spanish(Advanced), Korean(Advanced)
    Gender/Birthday Female 1988-07-21
    Member since 2016-01-19 21:02:21
    [ About me ] [온튜터심사통과] 영어가 모국어지만 한국어 수준도 고급이라서 정말 필요할때 선생님이 한국어로 도와드릴 수 있어요. 한국에서 유치원부터 성인들까지 영어를 가르친 경험이 있습니다. 선생님 발음이 명확하고 듣기 좋으니 특히 좋은 발음을 배우고자 하시면 이 선생님을 등록해 주세요^^ Hello! My name is Jennifer, and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I've always had a love for languages and mathematics. I grew up speaking Korean and English and took four years of Spanish in school, scoring a perfect 800 on the Spanish SAT II. I went on to major in mathematics at UCLA and currently teach math and English online. I taught English in Korea for one year where I was able to help many young children learn to read and speak English, and I helped more advanced students to improve in their pronunciation (especially with vowels, 'w,' and 'r' which I know can be difficult for Koreans to pronounce). I recently moved to Mexico where I continue to work on my Spanish. The learning process is never-ending, and it would be my pleasure to help you become a better English-speaker.
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